Mr Manish khanna
Managing Director
colortech pvt Ltd
speciality PLASTO llp
Vibrant Colortech is a masterbatch innovating company – bringing colors to your imagination in the form of masterbatches for polymer-based products. Our masterbatches give your products an appeal and feel that it comes from high-quality color pigments and right quality of polymers – making them stand out among others in the category.
VIBRANT masterbatches provides a wide range of MB made of renowned polymer additives. These additives include Optical Brightener, Scratch Resistance, etc...
VIBRANT offers thousand of shades in color MB with a wide spectrum of indoor & outdoor applications, UV resistant, high heat & light fastness. We offer color MB for all resins.
We offer wide range of filler MB for various applications like Injection & Blow mouldings, PE & PP Woven Fabric,Non-woven Fabric, Mono and Multi layer films, Sheet Extrusions ...
UV Masterbatch is added in order to protect the different plastic products from harmful UV radiation, making them much more resilient and durable.
Vibrant produces Sparkle,Pearl,Flourocents,
Granite(textured),Twin Tone etc masterbatches which enhances the aesthetic look of the products by its special effects nature.
Plastic has become ubiquitous in daily life. Thanks to its versatile nature, ease of handling, resilience as well as cost efficiency and feasible mass production, it has slowly become the material of choice for almost every product we use.
Happy With Customers & Clients
Our experience spans every industry and challenge, which gives us a unique perspective that we bring to every client relationship. We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
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